Excerpt From The Greenfield Ohio Sesquicentennial Book

Greetings from the Sesquicentennial Committee

One hundred and fifty years is a long time. as we visualize Duncan McArthur and his party on the east bank of the Paint, wondering if the Shawnee Indians on the west bank were friendly. It humbles us to think of the hard work that contributed to the establishment and growth of this community by the men and women of the past. The long hours of effort by the Sesquicentennial Committee members, The Times, and the money contributed and subscribed to make this celebration a success is our acknowledgment of our heritage. This KEEP SAKE should be carefully treasured and in time will become price-less. Every child should have one, since some day they or their children will celebrate Green-fields Bicentennial. – General Chairman

Resolution of the United States House of Representative
“Whereas the citizens of the Village of Green-field, Ohio, on September 2, 3, 4 and 5, 1949, will observe the Sesquicentennial of the town’s founding in 1799 by Duncan McArthur; and “Whereas Duncan McArthur subsequently added great luster to his name as one of the outstanding personages in the opening of the Northwest Territory, by serving his country as a major general of militia in the War of 1812, and by serving his State as a member of the Ohio Legislature and as Governor of Ohio, and by being elected to the United States House of Representatives although unable to fulfill that commission because of ill health; and “Whereas the Village of Greenfield stands today as a splendid midwestern American small city, an outstanding example of the happy uniting of industry, commerce and agriculture, and personifies the highest American standards of civic development and cultural progress; and “Whereas the citizens of Greenfield are joining together to observe this one hundred and fiftieth anniversary and to pay tribute to the memory of their pioneer forebears who, by their courage and perseverance overcame almost insurmountable hardships and obstacles in extending the frontier, and who by their love of freedom and equality helped establish this great Nation; and “Whereas during the Sesquicentennial celebration the citizens of Greenfield will take account at today’s blessings stemming from the creation of the great Nation and its adherence down through years to the glorious ideals promulgated by the founding fathers: Therefore be it “Resolved by the United States House of Representatives in formal session assembled- on this day of July, in the year of our Lord 1949, the House of Representatives memorializes the Village of Greenfield and Her Citizens on this Sesquicentennial, and extends sincere good wishes for success of their celebration; be it further “Resolved, That these resolutions be spread on the Congressional Record of the Congress the United States, as of this date.”

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